
IT looks like DC may have taken the lead over Marvel, at least temporarily, in the race to the bottom that is mainstream comic books. Each has been working overtime, trying to outdo the other in scoring the most woke, intersectional points. We’ve had any number of bizarre story lines with race-swapped, gender-swapped, even sexual-preference swapped characters lately, but the latest from DC is a doozy.

A pregnant Joker gives birth to a mud-creature that becomes the Joker’s son.

I suppose it was only a matter of time. A quick search of the Internet for men giving birth generates quite a few results. Pictures of short-haired, bearded, breastless individuals with big bellies being great with child abound. It should go without saying that these are not biological males carrying children. They’re biological females, once referred to as women. But in the name of PROGRESS we have moved beyond such primitive concepts of gender. Gone are the days when men were male and women were female. We have finally acknowledged the universal truth that gender is a spectrum completely disassociated from biological sex, a truth long suppressed by the white patriarchy, ever since man, I mean, humankind, I mean, people descended from the trees and began walking upright. No, they weren’t white then, nobody was, but even so, our ancient forefathers, I mean, foremothers, I mean ancestors knew that the ability to identify as your preferred gender was a good thing, indeed the best thing, and that only the biological males of the forthcoming white race would be so evil as to eventually gain the upper hand and subject the brave trans and non-binary communities to awful repression for millennia. But I digress.

Where was I? Oh, yeah, pregnant Joker. So DC has struck a major blow in the name of social justice against the white, straight, cis, etc., establishment by taking Joker, a biological male, and magically impregnating him(?) by way of Zatanna. Sadly, DC had to go the magic route, because, due to the ongoing oppression by the white patriarchy, it still takes a sperm, manufactured in the healthy testes of a biological male, to fertilize an ovum, manufactured in the healthy ovaries and deposited in the healthy uterus of a biological female (neither of which the Joker has) to make a baby. So the writers at DC chose to have Zatanna utter a magic spell, originally intended to keep the Joker from reproducing, that backfires, causing the Joker to reproduce himself inside himself.

Forced to acknowledge patriarchally-controlled biology, DC also concedes that Joker cannot deliver his baby the natural way. The avenue simply doesn’t exist, even with magic. Instead, Joker regurgitates a muddy mess (even though that avenue doesn’t exist either) which transforms almost immediately into Joker’s mini-me. (Given the choice between regurgitating a child in seconds or delivering one the traditional way over the course of many painful hours, I imagine that many women, I mean females, I mean people-with-uteri might prefer the former route, but don’t look for that option to be available anytime soon.) No long nights waking up to nurse a child, no anxiety when your baby has a fever for Joker. No. His mini-Joker grows rapidly into a smaller version of himself that he takes quickly to introduce to his “mother”.

Okay, I gotta stop. This is all just too stupid for words. Of course there are those who might object, saying “it’s just a comic book. All they wanted to do was to make a mini-Joker. It’s not woke, it’s not part of the trans agenda.” Sorry, but no. If that was the case, they would have chosen a different method of duplication. It wasn’t necessary for Joker to present as being pregnant. This is straight-up, outright pandering to one of the smallest demographics out there.

Why? What possible reason does DC have for forcing trans ideology down the throats of its rapidly diminishing pool of readers. It’s not particularly clever or creative. It’s not very amusing. I can’t imagine that many people looking at a pregnant Joker will burst into convulsive laughter (though I’m sure some will) except in mockery. If DC trying to increase their circulation, this is not the way to go about it. Sadly, the only reason that makes sense is that DC, like so many other organizations out there, is afraid of offending the woke mob. Afraid of being “canceled” by Facebook. Afraid of Twitter mobs coming after them. And lacking the balls necessary to stand up to the tiny, vocal crowd of Twitter bullies, they surrender even before the fight has begun, not realizing that you can never cater to the woke mob enough. They will always find something to be offended by. That is their stock in trade, their reason for living. Without something to be offended by, they wither on the vine.

Never fear. We at BAM! Comix have the balls. We are not afraid of the woke mob, and never will be. While we won’t go out of our way to offend anyone (that’s what DC and Marvel are doing, which is stupid), neither will we be intimidated by anyone. We fully intend to pursue our mission of delivering great content with no agenda. It’s a slow process, but we are making progress. Hang in there. Help is on the way for comic book lovers.