Not to overstate the obvious, it’s been a minute since anyone has seen any action from BAM! Comix, and that’s nobody’s fault but my own.  Starting a comic book, and setting up a successful crowd-funding campaign is harder than it looks, and it doesn’t look easy.  But though it’s been a while, BAM and Judge are not dead.  Dormant, maybe, but not dead.  And even if it looks like nothing’s going on, looks can be deceiving.  I’m working on stuff in the background to keep the dream alive.

In the meantime, I’m keeping my eyes and ears open for other talent that’s out there.  Talent like this guy, Brian E Arts the creative genius behind Staunch Ambition, Inferno City Firehouse, and the upcoming Blood of the Baptist.  I highly recommend him.  Check him out on X at

And stay tuned.  Posts will be sporadic, but they will come.

Blessings to all.

Michael Brown