Here’s part of my problem with comic books.  Writers today are continually on the lookout for new ways to undermine and destroy heroes who have been around for decades.  The list of heroes who are fair game include some of the best that have ever been written: Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, just to name a few. 

In “The Batman Who Laughs” storyline, Batman becomes a multiverse-destroying hybrid of the Batman and the Joker, who kills nearly everyone across all multiverses until he has been stopped by an omnipotent version of Wonder Woman.  In the DCEASED storyline, Superman (and nearly every other hero, including Batman) is infected by a zombie-mind virus and then goes on a world-destroying killing spree.  In those two series, two of the greatest comic book heroes ever created are destroyed, made into their opposites, forced to do things that are contrary to their entire being, and those of us who love those heroes are left with a bad taste in our mouths.

Are the writers at DC and Marvel so insecure that they are forced to deconstruct our heroes so that they can feel better about themselves?  Are they so bereft of creativity that they can’t create intriguing new villains to battle and new puzzles for the heroes to solve?  It seems that way.  They sure spend enough time, energy, and money finding new ways to attack and kill our heroes.  

Which is why we at BAM! are committed to creating and building up heroes.  Heroes we hope you will like and enjoy.  Keep your eyes peeled.  It’s a time consuming and costly process, but stick with us.  You’ll be rewarded.